The Skinners' Bulletin is a monthly newspost series on the osu! newsfeed organised by the skinship staff. It covers all the latest news related to skinning as well as show off the 3 best skins of the last month. The Bulletin used to be its own independant series and for its second iteration it has been moved into osu!monthly for an easier production. The osu!monthly production has since shut down putting the Bulletin into hiatus once again.
March 2023
open newspost
Due to the discontinuation of osu!monthly this is final issue of the Skinners' Bulletin (for now)
February 2023
open newspost
January 2023
open newspost
December 2022
open newspost
December 2022
open newspost
After a time of inactivity the Skinners' Bulletin was revived, now as a part of osu!monthly, a series of monthly newsposts showcasing the latest events, news, top scores and much more of the prior month. The format stayed mostly the same, besides the stats section getting removed and the descriptions for skins being heavily cut down.
Autumn 2021
This issue never saw the light of day. The Skinners' Bulletin was announced discontinued on the 27th of January 2022 after 2 months of production delay. However the skins for these months had already been chosen, therefore earning their inclusion here.
August 2021
open newspost
In order to ease the production of the Bulletin a switch to seasonal releases was announced in this iteration, however soon after the Bulletin was announced as discontinued making this the last released issue.
July 2021
open newspost
This is the first issue introducing the Skinners' Bulletin. The Bulletin was organised by RockRoller and Zeus- with the help of the skinship staff. It was created with the intention to improve the visibility of skinning in osu! and showcase the latest creations.