Compendium Staff

administrator compendium helper
compendium helper
compendium helper
compendium helper

Retired Compendium Staff

retired compendium helper

What exactly is this website?

The compendium is an easy to search archive of all osu! skins posted in the Completed Skins forum. Previously the compendium was a collection of forum posts grouping skins by 5 predefined tags.

These forum posts were always a hassle to browse and hard to maintain, not to mention running into technical problems like the character limit of forum posts. Thus we chose to switch to a website, which makes it easier for users to find skins and for us to maintain.

What is the difference between this website and other skin databases?

  • Forum connection - This website is based on the Completed Skins Forum and all skins in this subforum have been added to this website. This means that the skins listed here are not just a random assortment of skins we found in our skins folder, but rather a complete overview of all completed skins ever posted to the official osu! forums.
  • Quality Control - All the skins on this website have a good quality, since there are quality requirements for a skin to be considered completed on the osu! forums.
  • Full power to the creators - Skin creators have full control over what they want to display about their skins and are able to change the displayed information at any time. We do not rehost skins, this means that creators are given full control over the over how their skins are spread using their osu! forum posts.
  • Active maintanence - This website is actively maintained and skins usually get added shortly after their submission.
  • Originality and SFW - All skins on this website follow the rules of the Skinning Forum. This means that all skins are fully original and safe for work.

How can I get my skins added?

Just head over to the submission page and fill out the form there. Any skin submitted there will be moved to the completed skins subforum and added to the compendium.

Please be aware that to submit to the queue your skin must have its own forum post and not break the forum rules. Skins that do not fulfill those criteria will not be added, since this website is only meant to be a more accessible interface for the completed skins subforum and not a separate listing

I want to change the information or cover for my skin, how can I do this?

Please see the contact section near the end of this page.

Please see the contact section near the end of this page.

What is skinship?

skinship is an osu! community centered around skinning. We are most well-known for organising the Skinning Contest, our skinning tutorial and for being one of the biggest Discord communities centered around skinning.

How can I make my own skin?

Check out our skinning tutorial to learn how to skin and join our Discord server to find help with any questions you may have.


If you need to contact us for any reason please send the skinship osu account a chat message or join our Discord server and follow the instructions in #contact-the-staff.

Privacy and Data Collection

This website is made with GitLab Pages. skinship (“we”, “our”) does not track your visit or activity on the compendium (“the website”), and does not make use of any cookies. Third-party services - i.e. GitLab, Cloudflare and image hosts - may be tracking some statistics about your visit of the website.